{"id":4626,"date":"2023-03-28T15:20:22","date_gmt":"2023-03-28T15:20:22","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/ugr74.ru\/?p=4626"},"modified":"2023-05-04T13:40:31","modified_gmt":"2023-05-04T13:40:31","slug":"corona-improved-concepts-for-the-protection-of","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/ugr74.ru\/corona-improved-concepts-for-the-protection-of.html","title":{"rendered":"Corona: improved concepts for the protection of children called for"},"content":{"rendered":"

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, conditions for children have fundamentally changed. Schools and daycare centers are closed, social contacts are severely limited, and many parents work from home offices. These new conditions bring new challenges, especially for the protection of children.<\/p>\n

The current crisis has shown that the protection system for children in Germany is not sufficiently prepared for the impact of a pandemic. There have been numerous reports of an increase in child abuse and neglect cases since the pandemic began. These developments highlight the urgent need to develop approaches and measures to improve child protection.<\/p>\n

An important aspect of this is that the focus should not only be on the direct threat posed by the virus, but also on the indirect consequences of the measures taken to contain the pandemic. Resources need to be made available to provide support for children and families to cope with the new challenges and to give them prospects for the future.<\/p>\n

It is the responsibility of policymakers to take the necessary steps to protect children, even in difficult times. This includes working with child protection and family support professionals. Only through a concerted effort and increased awareness of the issue can children be protected, even in pandemic times.<\/p>\n

Children in the Corona pandemic: need for better protection approaches<\/h2>\n

The Corona pandemic poses numerous challenges and stresses for children and adolescents worldwide. School closures and quarantine measures cut them off from their social contacts, education, and recreational activities. Many children have also experienced or been at risk of domestic violence, abuse, or neglect. While the pandemic continues, there is an urgent need to develop better approaches to protect children and young people.<\/p>\n

An important step is to strengthen child protection systems in all countries. This means that children’s rights and protection from violence, exploitation and neglect must be at the heart of everything we do. There is also a need to promote the participation of children and young people in decision-making and ensure that their needs and opinions are taken into account. Finally, all children should have access to adequate social safety nets, health care and education.<\/p>\n

It is also important to develop and implement innovative protection and support measures during the pandemic. For example, digital technologies could be used to maintain contact with children and young people and promote protective measures. Governments, nongovernmental organizations, and civil society should work together to meet the needs of children and adolescents in the pandemic and protect their rights.<\/p>\n